Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

Adopted Child

Speaking of an adopted child, it might be sensitive for those who is sitting in his/her shoes but sometimes on the other hand, it can be something special for whom who really need a kid. And this is what has happened to my aunty's family (from my husband side). After waiting for sooooo long, at the end of the day this little bundle come to their life; it's unexpected actually without any preparation but the entire family accept this 'special gift' from Allah with all our heart.
Me and mr hubby went back to Kota Bharu last Saturday to celebrate this excitement and joyfulness with all families. At first i tot it was kinda easy to adopt a child eventho we have an agreement from both parties. But then it could turn to something which is not easy to bear when suddenly his/her biological parents change their mind to take back their son/daughter after he/she has staying with us for quite awhile. This kind of situation happened to my aunt's family after finally the court decided that this little boy is legally belong to her. We felt so so happy and my kids love this boy very much! Gonna miss him and we only manage to meet him again on Hari Raya.

11 days.. sebelum dibotakkan!

His hair has been shaven by Menteri Besar Kelantan, Tn Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat but my husband continued to finish all of them till the boy looks 'botak chin'... hehehe... We took 2hrs to complete shaving his hair but unfortunately i forgot to capture the moment.

i am 12days now and ready to start my new life!

After given bathe, i took my time to just be with him for awhile. He refused to play with me btw. ***Sigh*** :(... Need to sleep lorrrr...... sejuk.... I capture this video and see how he is started to sleep as a sign he didn't want to play with everybody around him.

Welcome to the family. You're now be apart of our life. No border no boundaries! Wish you be a good boy one day. Live with a happy life always... I'm sure your new parents will take good care of you and they did love you since you come to their life... no matter what, they will fight for the sake of you and for yourself own good!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Gadget

Yeeeehaaaa..... setelah berbulan-bulan menanggung sebak di dada dan derita sengsara angkara handphoneku yang tersayang merajuk dan buat perangai kerana sudah bosan bertuankan aku.... Maka, dengan setulus ikhlas aku memaksa diriku untuk bertukar kepada hp yang baru.... hehehe.... Tu laaa... sape suruh buat perangai... dahkan nak kena tinggal. Silap2 masuk dalam tong sampah lepas ni... tapi tak kot... walaupun muka dan tubuhmu compang-camping angkara perbuatanku... namun tetap kau ku simpan di dalam muzium harta redakku... :P kerna ini adalah pemberian hubby masa besdayku hampir 3 tahun yg lalu.. harus ku simpan sbg menghargai.
Ye sekian pembaca blogku... hari ni dengan rasminya aku tukar hpku yang lama dengan yang baru. Memandangkan aku ni tak de la minat sangat pun dengan hp... so, aku cari yang biasa2 aje... Asal aku boleh hantar msg (sms) - mms tak pasti sbb tak tau selama ni aku register ke tak... hehehe... and aku boleh terima dan buat panggilan, cukup leee... bukannya superwoman pun nak pakai yang canggih2. Tambah2 fulusnya ngak mengijinkan! hemmm... itu le yg sebenornya:). Gaji tak dapat lagi!
A big thanks to mr husband sebab tolong belikan hp yang baru buat isterinya yang CUMA sorang ni jeee.... :) Berapa pun harganya, tetap ku terima dengan hati yang terbuka... terima kasih sesangat2 ye anje... So, dengan rasminya hari ni berlakulah pengambilalihan kuasa handphone dari Nokia 6131 kepada Nokia 7610 Supernova. Agaknya boleh tak bertahan sehingga 3 tahun lagi?
nokia 6131.. after almost 3yrs

nokia 7610 supernova

Friday, March 20, 2009

Selamat Pengantin Baru

Last weekend, my mom's next door's superhero has just getting married ... So, we all dijemput untuk attend kedua2 majlis which is groom and bride side. Dua2 pun dari Kuantan, jadinya boleh la kitaorang pegi tengok Along(groom) kawin. The bride side was held on Saturday, 14th March 2009 and they chose pink as a theme... It was just nice! But then, I was a bit shy to shot a photos... I donno why... sometimes kalau kat rumah org yang kita tak kenal ni, tiba2 je jadi malu. So hanya 3 keping di bawah je yg mampu aku snap. Anyway, Selamat Pengantin Baru Along & Siti. I think they both still on their honeymoon trip rite now. So enjoy hah! Semoga kekal jodoh ini hingga ke hujung nyawa.. Amin...

newly weds!

The groom's wedding ceremony was held a day after which is on Sunday, 15th March and we used to called it as "sambut menantu". The theme was green. We've wearing all green attire on that day including me and hubs. Budak pompuan 2 org kat bawah ni tak payah ckp la... Both baju has been sponsored by tuan majlis.... Syok la macam tu... It was a rainy day btw... but alhamdulillah... Hujan itu rahmat.. Eventho it's quite heavy, but it didn't border the ceremony at all... Tetamu punyalah ramai... Tapi yang best bila majlis kat kampung ni... semua orang bekerjasama. Tak termasuk aku... coz aku tak reti nak tolong apa. Just lepak2 kat rumah mak aku je le with my sis n Tolong makan pandai laaa... sampai 2 kali pegi makan.. Sape nak bisingkan... Jiran paling dekat ni... Kira basuh pinggan sendiri tu ok apa! hehehe... Makanan jangan cakap laaa... Punya la sedap.. tak de sape yg tak puji... Credit to Makcik Ton & somi... Memang best sangat!!!! Hok aloh... laporrrrr....

huh! eksyen la tu baju di'sponsor'

heavy rain!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rosak Laa Pulakkk.....

Huhhh... Memang laa aku tengah hangin satu badan niii!!!
Dah air ada, washing machine pulak meragam...
Bila nak surut kain baju aku kalau macam niiiii!
Nak cuci tangan???? Tak kuasaaaa laaa....
Nampak sangat leee washing machine tu mintak ditukar yang baru!
Itu laa yang sebenarnya.... Duit... duit....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3 days leave...

Most of Malaysian have gotten 3 days leave inclusive of 2 days normal weekend (for those who works 5 days a week) + 1 day public holiday. So, what was my activities during the holiday....

Of Upin & Ipin

On Saturday morning i received a message from a friend of mine who asking me whether i would like to join her to meet Mr. Upin & Ipin at Kuantan Megamall @ 12.30pm. I was still on bed at that time... hehehe... biasalah hujung minggu.. Since hubby is working and i guess i've 2 days more to spring cleaning my house so i just reply 'yes' to her. Meaning that i will bring together my little kids.

We headed out to Kuantan Megamall at 12noon from our house. It takes about 15minutes to reach there. Tambah pulak aku yang drive... i could make it less than 15minutes without any doubt! Huhuhuhu... Bahaya2.... Bawak anak ni kena pandu elok2 sikit....

ready to go

So, as promised.. we met at Bowling Centre which mere inches from the cinema where Mr Upin & Ipin expecting to show off... We waited there for about 20minutes but it seem nothing's gonna be happened there. We're a bit frustrated at first for waiting too long... Memang ingat nak balik dah after finally they appeared jugak just beside of us. Woowwwww!!! Happy gilerrr ibu2 dan anak2... hehehe... Over excited! Berbaloi jugak kitaorang menunggu.... Ye kan tini....

Upin & Ipin

about shame and shameless... siap peluk lagi!

Dania takut nak duduk dekat, so ambik gambar dari belakang je... peaceeee

Of lesser is better...

I think Mr Hubby is looking better in hairless than hairy. I try to be honest with you darling.. Don't you? And nampak la sikit macho tu... :P That's why people keep saying that lesser is better! On certain condition laaa... He willing to cut off his hair just becoz he wanted to go for 'bekam". Dah tak tahan sakit kepala... Bila dia dah buat bekam... aku pulak yang ngeri.... errrrr.... nak tolong sapukan ubat kat kepala dia pun aku tersipu2 malu... Malu tengok darah! Hehehe... Takut akak pengsan jeee...

mcm cute la pulak...

Of house warming

My cousin invited us to her house warming last Sunday. Best! makan free... It wasn't too far from my house actually... About 15minutes drive as well. Tp kitaorang ni jarang sgt dapat bertemu. Food was yummy... aku makan nasi 2 pinggan.. Huh! Lantak la org nak kata apa... Yang penting perut mau kenyang.. I took this opportunity to meet and spend time with my cuzzies, grandma, aunties n uncles... If don't, we won't be able to meet each other coz everyone respectively busy with their own life... We left the 'kenduri' dah agak petang... Hujan pulak tu tapi air di rumah ku jugak tidak ada semenjak Sabtu malam till the time i posted this entry... huhuhu.... We went back home, change the car and headed off to Kemaman. Mau hantar 2nd report yang dah siap! Sampai rumah dah maghrib... penat tp need to cook for dinner...

on our way to her house

her new house...

Of losing someone..

I received a phone call from my mum on Monday morning... I was about half-wake-half-sleep at that time! My mum mintak kitaorg balik kampung kat Sg Lembing coz my uncle has passed away. It was so sudden and we didn't expect this could happen coz his wife has just left us 2 years ago... Mereka masih muda untuk pergi.. Tapi jodoh pertemuan ajal dan maut adalah hak Allah SWT yg mutlak... They both left 3 children.. 2b & 1g yg mana semuanya tgh study lagi... I don't know how to express my deepest sympathy to them but I always wish that they're strong to accept this fate. Kita yang hidup ni berdoa jelah semoga roh mereka ditempatkan di sisi orang2 yang beriman. Al Fatihah...

Hopefully kat rumah dah ada air petang ni!!! Dah 4 hari tak berair... Kain baju setinggi langit yang tak dicuci... Air kat rumah tinggal nak buat air sembahyang je petang ni.... Nak buat mandi memang dah tak ada! Tension bangat ni!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sejak 2 menjak ni asyik hujan je kat kuantan... diselang seli ngan panas le.. tapi hari ni memang hujan lebat giler... sedar tak sedar masa nak pegi keje pukul 9am td... tengok2 kat luar rumah mak aku dah pun banjir... nasib baik keta aku tak tenggelam dek air... kira2nya ketinggian air dah separuh dari tayar keta aku tu.. and otw nak pegi keje memang la agak mencabar kewibawaan aku sbg pemandu berhemat. hehehe... banjir di merata2 tempat. tapi tak berkesempatan nak snap gambar coz camera pada hubby (he is now in Singapore)... btw hopefully Danial tak de problem balik dari sekolah nanti. I've no time to fetch him.. Really busy rite now! So... from now on.. Danial kena naik van. Kesian anak jantan ku!