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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

my wishlist!

Hubby's company will be having its annual dinner on this 24th Oct 2008 at A Famosa Resort, Malacca... So, there's some stuff and gadget i think i should bring it together and compulsorily should have it on that day... And one of them absolutely I never had it before... So, honey... if you read my message... pls... buat2 la faham ye... hehehe... as you promised me last 2 days.... I have a few models for your reference which i like most... but if you wish to have much more models to review and consider... just drop by here... or else... just rolling down your cursor....

Price Range - RM1,599.00 (Models : T Series - DSC-T300/R)

Price Range - RM1,299 (Models : T Series - DSC-T77/B)

Price Range - RM1,199.00 ( Models : W Series - DSC-W170/R)

And since most of my facial treatment stuff dah banyak yang nak habis... So, nampak gayanya.... kenalah aku spend sikit duit gajiku bulan ni utk beli semua keperluan ku ini... huhuhu.... If only you can share my BIGGEST problems ni honey.... kan best... tapi takkan lah kot... nanti botak pulak kepala abang bulan ni... banyak sangat permintaannya... But i can't stop myself to have my Dior UV whitening compact powder and waterproof mascara ... AND ....

I also need this!

And... this too!!!!

Am i able to get all these things dalam satu masa? It certainly will effect my monthly budget jugak ni... Never mind... Yang mana belum habis lagi tu... guna je lah dulu... Beli apa yang penting saje... Kalau nak ikutkan kemahuan dan perasaan ni... Mati le kan... Sabar je leee jawabnya...

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