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Friday, March 20, 2009

Selamat Pengantin Baru

Last weekend, my mom's next door's superhero has just getting married ... So, we all dijemput untuk attend kedua2 majlis which is groom and bride side. Dua2 pun dari Kuantan, jadinya boleh la kitaorang pegi tengok Along(groom) kawin. The bride side was held on Saturday, 14th March 2009 and they chose pink as a theme... It was just nice! But then, I was a bit shy to shot a photos... I donno why... sometimes kalau kat rumah org yang kita tak kenal ni, tiba2 je jadi malu. So hanya 3 keping di bawah je yg mampu aku snap. Anyway, Selamat Pengantin Baru Along & Siti. I think they both still on their honeymoon trip rite now. So enjoy hah! Semoga kekal jodoh ini hingga ke hujung nyawa.. Amin...

newly weds!

The groom's wedding ceremony was held a day after which is on Sunday, 15th March and we used to called it as "sambut menantu". The theme was green. We've wearing all green attire on that day including me and hubs. Budak pompuan 2 org kat bawah ni tak payah ckp la... Both baju has been sponsored by tuan majlis.... Syok la macam tu... It was a rainy day btw... but alhamdulillah... Hujan itu rahmat.. Eventho it's quite heavy, but it didn't border the ceremony at all... Tetamu punyalah ramai... Tapi yang best bila majlis kat kampung ni... semua orang bekerjasama. Tak termasuk aku... coz aku tak reti nak tolong apa. Just lepak2 kat rumah mak aku je le with my sis n Tolong makan pandai laaa... sampai 2 kali pegi makan.. Sape nak bisingkan... Jiran paling dekat ni... Kira basuh pinggan sendiri tu ok apa! hehehe... Makanan jangan cakap laaa... Punya la sedap.. tak de sape yg tak puji... Credit to Makcik Ton & somi... Memang best sangat!!!! Hok aloh... laporrrrr....

huh! eksyen la tu baju di'sponsor'

heavy rain!

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